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Feature Articles: NTT Group Security Confronts Escalating Cyberattacks-
Research and Development of Advanced Security Measures to Protect Customers from Sophisticated and Large-scale Cyberattacks

Abstract The Feature Articles in this issue introduce recent trends and case studies of ever-escalating cyberattacks that are becoming increasingly sophisticated and large in scale, plus issues and needs in the security business of NTT Group companies. Additionally, new needs are arising for security measures for customers. These articles introduce the research and development of advanced technologies deemed necessary for countering cyberattacks and increasing business competitiveness.
Collecting, Analyzing, and Leveraging Threat Intelligence at NTT-CERT

Abstract The use of threat intelligence is progressing in corporate-based security frameworks typified by computer security incident response teams (CSIRTs) in order to defend networks and systems against increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. It is becoming necessary to obtain a deeper understanding of threat intelligence and to deal with more advanced forms of such information. This article presents an analysis of attacker motivation using threat intelligence. The usefulness of threat intelligence in actual on-site CSIRT activities is also explained.
Security Business Solutions for Customer Needs

Abstract The NTT Group strives to be a value partner to its customers by providing high-quality total security solutions utilizing NTT laboratoriesˇÇ technologies and intelligence. This article introduces two security business examples covering environmental and governmental trends related to cybersecurity.
Cyberattack Countermeasure Technology to Support NTTˇÇs Security Business

Abstract NTT Secure Platform Laboratories is researching and developing the worldˇÇs most advanced technologies for countering cyberattacks to support NTTˇÇs security business. In this article, we introduce domain name analysis technology that can effectively detect and defend against malware infections, malware analysis technology to support managed detection and response services, and unified threat management solutions that use a resilient security engine and anti-malware blacklists.
Regular Articles-
Digital-preprocessed Analog-multiplexed Digital-to-analog Converter for Ultrahigh-speed Optical Transmitter

Abstract We have developed technology to extend the analog bandwidth of digital-to-analog converters (DACs), which are essential in advanced high-speed optical transmitters. We used a digital preprocessor, two sub-DACs, and an analog multiplexer to generate arbitrary signals with a bandwidth nearly twice that of each sub-DAC. This technology was used to successfully demonstrate various high-speed transmissions, including an intensity-modulated directly detected transmission at a record-high data rate of 250 Gbit/s.
Satellite Communications Modem Unit COM-Uˇ˝Enhanced Maintenance, Operations, and Spectrum Utilization Efficiency of Satellite Transponders for Remote Island Satellite Communications and Disaster Relief Satellite Communications

Abstract A major advantage of satellite communications is the ability to implement communication networks virtually anywhere in Japan very simply. The NTT Group has been utilizing satellite communications to provide services in situations where optical fiber, mobile telephony, and other terrestrial facilities are impractical: remote islands, offshore areas, and stricken regions where people have been forced to temporarily flee in the face of earthquakes and other natural disasters. The Group continues to pursue research and development on satellite systems to make them more efficient and advanced. Here we present an overview of NTTˇÇs new satellite communications modem unit called COM-U (satellite circuit-terminating common unit), that markedly improves the spectrum utilization efficiency of satellite transponders and the maintenance and operations of satellite communications used for remote island and disaster relief satellite communications.
Global Standardization Activities-
Trends in Standardization of Blockchain Technology by ISO/TC 307

Abstract The second meeting of ISO/TC 307 (International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 307: blockchain and electronic distributed ledger technologies) was held in Tokyo in November 2017. This TC is working to develop international standards for blockchain technology. This article introduces the concept of blockchain technologyˇ˝the fundamental technology used for bitcoinˇ˝as well as trends in the international standardization of electronic distributed ledger technologies and some applications of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrency.
Report on NTT R&D Forum 2018

Abstract NTT held NTT R&D Forum 2018 at the NTT Musashino Research and Development Center for five days from February 19 to 23, 2018, with February 19 and 21 set aside solely for the press and NTT Group employees. This article reports on the lectures and exhibits presented in the forum.
Short Reports
External Awards/Papers Published in Technical Journals and Conference Proceedings