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View from the Top
Katsuhiko Kawazoe, Senior Vice President, Head of Research and Development Planning Department, NTT

Overview NTT is promoting the Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN) to provide an information and communication technology infrastructure that brings about various benefits. The company is pursuing research and development of key technologies to implement IOWN in 2030. Now that the entire world has been hit by an unprecedented situation due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, expectations for NTT”Ēs efforts based on its philosophy of contributing to society are growing. We talked with Katsuhiko Kawazoe, NTT Senior Vice President, Head of Research and Development Planning Department, about the attitude of his department—which ought to be called the ”Čbrain of NTT”É—to tackle this crisis and the sense of value of NTT researchers.
Front-line Researchers
Tatsuaki Okamoto, NTT Fellow, Director, Cryptography & Information Security Laboratories, NTT Research, Inc.

Overview Information and communication technology is used in all types of business activities, and expectations concerning security and reliability of cryptography—which is key to information security measures—are increasing. We asked Dr. Tatsuaki Okamoto, an NTT Fellow who spearheads the Cryptography and Information Security Laboratories (CIS Labs) of NTT Research, Inc., employing top scientists in cryptography and blockchains, about the progress of CIS Labs and his attitude toward being a distinguished researcher.
Feature Articles: Cognitive Foundation® for Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN)-
Approach to Cognitive Foundation® for the Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN)

Abstract There is an urgent demand for information and communication technology (ICT) to meet the needs of industrial and social systems. These systems include the management of rapidly increasing devices and diverse digital services. In this article, we introduce NTT Group”Ēs approach to fully automated, autonomous, and self-evolving life-cycle management of ICT resources, including the deployment and optimization of such resources, to provide applications and solutions.
Quality-prediction Technology for Optimal Use of Multiple Wireless Access Networks

Abstract Amid changes brought on by digitalization, wireless communications for connecting people and things are increasing in importance while available frequency bands and wireless access standards are becoming increasingly diversified. At the same time, the quality of wireless communications can change from moment to moment depending on user conditions, so there are times when the user has to consciously select the most appropriate means of wireless access. Against this background, our goal is to achieve a world in which wireless communications can be automatically and naturally used without a person or thing having to select and connect to a wireless access network. To this end, we are developing technology for proactively controlling the wireless environment based on wireless-quality-prediction technology using machine learning.
Intelligent Zero-touch Operation

Abstract NTT laboratories have been researching and developing zero-touch operation technology to reduce and level out maintenance operations for network services. This article describes use cases of intelligent zero-touch operation incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and introduces three elemental AI technologies used in these use cases.
Feature Articles: NTT Group’s Initiatives in Food and Agriculture
NTT Group’s Initiatives Regarding Food and Agriculture

Abstract Agriculture is a key industry in rural areas of Japan; however, it faces various problems such as long-term decline in the working-age population, aging of the population, natural disasters due to climate change, and securing sales channels. To solve these problems, AgriTech”½which uses biotechnology, the Internet of Things, big-data analysis, artificial intelligence, and robots in the field of agriculture”½is attracting attention. Since its privatization in 1985, NTT has been required to have a mission with both public and corporate aspects. In consideration of this dual mission, NTT is striving to create a smart world to solve social issues through its business activities. With agriculture positioned as a priority, we are working to create Smart Agri by using information and communication technology developed for telecommunications business to solve problems faced by the agricultural industry through cooperation with leading partners. The direction of initiatives by the NTT Group, specific examples, and future plans are introduced in this article.
Community Revitalization by Utilizing ICT and Agriculture

Abstract NTT AgriTechnology is the only agricultural company in the NTT Group and is implementing advanced technology in the food and agriculture supply chain as an agricultural-production corporation. In cooperation with domestic and overseas producers, Japan Agricultural Cooperatives (JA), local governments, the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, agricultural-related companies, and other organizations, we are creating a new form of agriculture, which is a major industry in rural Japan, by operating a large-scale greenhouse using the latest technology. Our dedicated efforts to promote profitable agriculture as well as develop communities and nurture human resources through the food and agriculture business are introduced in this article.
Development of the Food and Agriculture Value Chain by Using “Tsunagu” Distribution Platform

Abstract NTT DOCOMO conducted a field experiment of the Let”Ēs Eat Local Food Project in February 2019. In this experiment, we demonstrated a mechanism that enables the purchaser to purchase agricultural products at a lower price, even if the seller of the products sells at a higher price than before, by reducing the logistics cost and time involved in collection and delivery of agricultural products. Until now, our smart agriculture initiatives have been focused on improving productivity throughout the production process. Going forward, we will support Japan”Ēs agricultural industry from production to distribution and sales by developing the food and agriculture value chain.
Regular Articles-
Radio Frequency Equipment for High Maintainability and Availability in Remote Island Satellite and Disaster Relief Satellite Communications

Abstract The NTT Group uses satellite communications as a means of providing communications services to areas where deploying optical fiber or other communication facilities is infeasible such as remote islands or regions stricken by a natural disaster where residents are forced to take temporary refuge at evacuation centers. Against this background, NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories has been researching and developing a satellite communications system with the aim of making more efficient use of facilities and improving operability. This article introduces radio frequency equipment developed to achieve high maintainability and availability of remote island satellite and disaster relief satellite communications.
Global Standardization Activities-
Activities to Revise the Radio Regulations on 5-GHz-band Wireless LANs at WRC-19 and ITU-R

Abstract The World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) was held from October 28 to November 22, 2019 in Egypt to discuss the revision of the Radio Regulations (RR). The RR specifies international rules for using radio worldwide. At this conference regarding the agenda item on 5-GHz-band wireless local area networks (LANs), especially for outdoor use and higher transmission power of the 5.2-GHz band (5150–5250 MHz), an agreement was successfully reached to revise the RR with conditions consistent with the national regulations in Japan. NTT had been engaged in activities on technical studies, proposal for the revision of the RR, and building consensus for the revision. NTT has also been responsible for this agenda item at WRC-19, ITU-R (ITU Radiocommunication Sector) and the related meetings as delegation members of Japan for three years. This article describes the process and results of the activities to revise the RR on 5-GHz-band wireless LANs and the revised RR.
Practical Field Information about Telecommunication Technologies
External Awards/Papers Published in Technical Journals and Conference Proceedings