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February 2022 Vol. 20 No. 2 |
Front-line Researchers
Akira Fujiwara, Senior Distinguished Researcher, NTT Basic Research Laboratories

The missions of NTT Basic Research Laboratories are to promote advances in science that will ultimately benefit humankind and contribute to NTT’s business. Researchers at the laboratories have published numerous achievements in the fields of materials science, physical science, and optical science. Akira Fujiwara, a senior distinguished researcher, is researching silicon single-electron devices to enable accurate operation and detection of single electrons, which are expected to be applied to quantum electrical standards, high-sensitivity sensors, and quantum qubits. We asked him about the progress of his research activities and attitude as a leading researcher.
Rising Researchers
Kim Sangyuep, Distinguished Researcher, NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories

Virtualization is progressing in a variety of areas, including networking, servers, and storage. In this issue, we speak with Distinguished Researcher Kim Sangyuep about the virtualization of the physical functionality (high-speed transmission interfaces) of communications networks, something which is very difficult to do with conventional technologies.
Feature Articles: Keynote Speeches at NTT R&D Forum—Road to IOWN 2021
Jun Sawada, President and Chief Executive Officer, NTT

This article introduces initiatives to expand the use of the Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN) called the ”Road to IOWN.” It is based on the keynote speech given by Jun Sawada, president and chief executive officer of NTT, at the ”NTT R&D Forum—Road to IOWN 2021” held from November 16th to 19th, 2021.
Katsuhiko Kawazoe, Executive Vice President, Head of Research and Development Planning Department, NTT

This article presents a lecture given by Dr. Katsuhiko Kawazoe, NTT Executive Vice President, Head of Research and Development Planning Department, at NTT R&D Forum 2021—Road to IOWN 2021 held from November 16th to 19th, 2021.
Feature Articles: 2021 International Sporting Event and NTT R&D—Technologies for Supporting Athletes
Women’s Softball × Sports Brain Science

In the world of sports, the key to success is often the ability to make snap decisions and act instinctively faster than making conscious decisions. The Kashino Diverse Brain Research Laboratory at NTT Communication Science Laboratories is researching the implicit brain functions that are exhibited by athletes under these special conditions. Together with the Japan women’s national softball team, which won the gold medal at the 2021 international sporting event held in Tokyo, NTT has been working on practical initiatives in parallel with academic research to apply the findings of this research to improving the team’s chances of winning.
Cycling × hitoe™: Dialogue with the Body via Surface Myoelectric Potentials

For athletes, knowing the state of their muscle activity is key to improving their performance and maintaining peak performance. Using the surface myoelectric potential, which can be measured from the surface of the body, is an effective method for understanding muscle activity with little physical burden. Technology using hitoe™, a functional fabric for collecting biosignals (jointly developed by NTT and Toray Industries, Inc.), for measuring, visualizing, and analyzing surface myoelectric potentials of top cyclists is introduced in this article. This technology is expected to be used for not only top athletes but also for self-analysis by ordinary people participating in daily sporting activities.
Swimming × Online Coaching: Online Conditioning of Competitive Swimmers—Focusing on the Thorax—via Smartphones and Wearable Sensors

In response to the decline in motor function (centered on the thorax) caused by chronic muscle tension associated with strengthening exercises for competitive swimmers, we devised a training program that promotes awareness of the functional coordination of the thorax; spine, ribs, and core muscles, and restores natural and efficient body movement. This article presents the results of supporting athlete training during the novel coronavirus pandemic by providing regular coaching remotely using a web-conference system with smartphones, video recording, and a multi-sensor belt equipped with hitoe™ for measuring myoelectricity, respiration, and motion.
Feature Articles: 2021 International Sporting Event and NTT R&D—Technologies for Preparing the Event
Network Construction × Wearable Heat Countermeasures

One of NTT”Ēs key roles in the 2021 international sporting event held in Japan was the construction of a large-scale network during the hot and humid Tokyo summer to provide a stable and secure communication environment. We built and installed a health-management system that involves wearable biological/environmental sensors to prevent heat-related health issues and enable construction work to be carried out more safely.
Venue-management Staff × CUzo

For the 2021 international sporting event in Tokyo, NTT brought out a feature-distribution communication technology called CUzo and a mobile device with a transparent display called CUzo Card. This article describes our work on this project, which sought to enhance the hospitality afforded at venues by providing venue staff with information and communication technology tools to support the guidance they provide to visitors, and the technology used in this project.
Feature Articles: 2021 International Sporting Event and NTT R&D—Technologies for Making the Event Inclusive
Barrier-free Route Guidance × MaPiece®

NTT developed Japan Walk Guide, a barrier-free route-guidance application for wheelchair users and other people with limited mobility. Japan Walk Guide provides one-stop barrier-free route information, ranging from public transportation to walking routes, mainly based on barrier-free information collected by volunteers. This article discusses an evaluation by wheelchair users of Japan Walk Guide launched during the international sporting event held in Japan in 2021.
Goalball × Ultra-realistic Communication Technology Kirari!

NTT is promoting research and development to enable people with various physical conditions, including disabilities, to enjoy watching sports. Focusing on goalball, which is a type of parasport, this article introduces a new experience of sports watching that provides a sense of realism as if the spectators were watching the game at the competition venue. This experience is possible by using ultra-realistic communication technology called Kirari! (particularly, highly realistic sound-image localization technology) for producing stereophonic sound.
Global Standardization Activities
Recent Activities of ITU-R Study Group 5 on Terrestrial Radiocommunication Systems

Radiocommunication systems, such as mobile communication systems, which are represented by smartphones, wireless local area network systems, which are commonly used at home and office, and fixed wireless systems, which provide flexible and resilient communication in times of disasters, play important roles in telecommunication networks. The International Telecommunication Union - Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R), an international standardization organization, is responsible for standardization of radiocommunication systems and the frequencies they use. Recent activities of the ITU-R’s Study Group 5 and its Working Parties, which deal with terrestrial radiocommunication systems, and the contributions of NTT laboratories and NTT DOCOMO to those activities, are outlined in this article.
Practical Field Information about Telecommunication Technologies
Report on NTT R&D Forum—Road to IOWN 2021

NTT R&D Forum—Road to IOWN 2021 was held online over a four-day period from November 16th to 19th, 2021. This article is an introductory overview of the Forum.
External Awards/Papers Published in Technical Journals and Conference Proceedings