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Tetsuomi Sogawa, Senior Vice President, Head of NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group

The NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group is engaged in research and development with the following three missions: “Research and development of cutting-edge technologies to expand NTT’s business domains,” “Creation of new principles and concepts that will revolutionize society,” and “Research and development of technologies that are friendly to the global environment and people.” To contribute to society, the laboratory group is creating new values through the results of its research while keeping an eye on current trends. We interviewed Tetsuomi Sogawa, senior vice president, head of the NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group, about the social mission of the laboratory group and mindset required for researchers to lead the world.
Front-line Researchers
Masayuki Abe, Senior Distinguished Researcher, NTT Secure Platform Laboratories

E-commerce transactions using electronic payments and e-government functions, such as online tax filing, continue to expand. Amid this trend, modern cryptography is being actively researched and developed as a technology for guaranteeing the safety of networks and services. Masayuki Abe, a senior distinguished researcher at NTT Secure Platform Laboratories, is known for his pioneering research and creation and implementation of many innovative technologies in cryptography. In 2018, he received the Maejima Hisoka Award, which is presented to individuals for their outstanding achievements in the fields of information communications and broadcasting. We asked him about the current state of his research and the role of a researcher.
Rising Researchers
Naotoshi Abekawa, Distinguished Researcher, NTT Communication Science Laboratories

The human eye is often mentioned in the sports world in expressions such as ¡Èwatching the ball.¡É We spoke to Distinguished Researcher Naotoshi Abekawa, who studies sensorimotor control, shedding light on the relationship between eyes and arms with a particular focus on unconscious movement. His goal is to provide new value proposals for the real world, such as sports and user interfaces.
Feature Articles: NTT’s Medical and Health Vision toward Creation of Bio-digital Twin
Data-driven Medical and Health Support Created Using Bio-digital Twin

Humanity is currently experiencing a pandemic unprecedented in recent history. In November 2020, NTT announced its Medical and Health Vision, ¡ÈRealization of the Bio-digital Twin,¡É to create a medical future in which people can avoid unknown risks and remain healthy and hopeful about the future through predictions of their physical and mental states. In the Feature Articles in this issue, NTT¡Çs Medical and Health Vision as well as the latest technological details concerning acquiring and analyzing biological information and enabling treatment in the body, namely, elemental technologies concerning bio-digital twins, are introduced.
Efforts in Analyzing Risks and Factors Concerning Lifestyle-related Diseases and Long-term Care

For a person to continue a healthy life, it is important for him/her to become aware of the risk of illness as soon as possible and take appropriate countermeasures. To help people live a healthy life, NTT is researching and developing technology for predicting disease risk by using machine learning and analyzing the risk factors from data on health-diagnosis results, genomic information, and data obtained from large-scale cohort surveys. Analysis of genomic data targeting lifestyle-related diseases and analysis of cohort-survey data targeting locomotive syndrome (which is attracting attention as a factor requiring long-term care) are introduced in this article.
Behavior-change Support Technology that Brings About Positive Mental Changes

Social issues, such as reducing medical expenses and promoting people¡Çs health by improving their lifestyle habits, need to be addressed. This article uses lifestyle improvement as a use case to introduce a technology to support behavioral change by providing advice tailored to the individual¡Çs personality.
Technology for Visualizing the Circadian Rhythm: Wearable Core-body-temperature Sensor

Core body temperature (CBT) is an important vital sign and has been attracting attention as an index reflecting the circadian rhythm of the human body. Since CBT is the temperature at the core of the body, it is necessary to insert a sensor into a body cavity to accurately measure it, which puts a heavy burden on the individual having his/her temperature taken. At NTT, focusing on the flow of heat in the body, we are researching technology that makes it possible to measure CBT simply by affixing a sensor to the body. In this article, the current progress of this research is introduced.
New Technology for Measurement and Analysis of Biological Sounds and Electrocardiographic Signals—Toward Early Detection of Heart Disease and Rehabilitation by Using Personal Heart Modeling

Biological sounds and electrocardiographic signals are important for understanding the physical and psychological state of a person. In this article, signal-processing and machine-learning technologies involving measuring biological sounds by using a wearable acoustic-sensor array, called a telestethoscope, as well as new measurement and analysis technology, i.e., tensor electrocardiogram using hitoeTM are introduced. The possibility of early detection of diseases by using such personal heart modeling and its application to post-onset rehabilitation are also discussed.
Bionics Technology for the Future of Medicine and Health

Bionics is a discipline that elucidates the structure and function of living organisms—by using engineering techniques and theories—and applies that knowledge in the form of new technologies. Developing technologies that interactively connect biological and engineering systems is key in creating a bio-digital twin and developing technologies for medicine and healthcare. In this article, bionics technologies developed by NTT Basic Research Laboratories and NTT Service Evolution Laboratories are introduced.
Feature Articles: Disaggregated Computing Will Change the World
Disaggregated Computing, the Basis of IOWN

To achieve IOWN (the Innovative Optical and Wireless Network), we need advanced computer systems that can efficiently process huge amounts of data compared with current capabilities. To meet this demand, NTT is studying an innovative computer architecture, called disaggregated computing, that makes maximum use of photonics-electronics convergence technology. This article describes the overall outline and basic concept of this new computer architecture.
Photonics-electronics Convergence Technologies for Disaggregated Computing

NTT is developing photonics-electronics convergence technologies to implement disaggregated computing. In this article, we describe the concept of photonics-electronics convergence technology, explain the effectiveness of introducing optical technologies into disaggregated computing, and introduce low-power-consumption devices under development.
Memory-centric Architecture for Disaggregated Computers

At first glance, most of the technical components of a disaggregated computer seem to be hardware. However, simply using current software cannot enable efficient computing even if each hardware resource is connected directly with optical fibers. This article introduces the problems of current software that has evolved on the premise of high-speed central processing units and describes memory-centric architecture as a new data-exchange model for a disaggregated computer.
Power-aware Dynamic Allocation-control Technology for Maximizing Power Efficiency in a Photonic Disaggregated Computer

A photonic disaggregated computer developed as a computing platform of NTT¡Çs Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN) will consist of a variety of computing devices (energy-conserving central processing units, accelerators, etc.) distributed over a wide area. This article introduces power-aware dynamic allocation-control technology for maximizing power efficiency in a photonic disaggregated computer.
Global Standardization Activities
Latest Activities in TM Forum

Since its establishment in 1988, TM Forum has been shifting from examining and standardizing telecommunication operations (i.e., carrier business support system and operations support system (BSS/OSS)) on the basis of the Telecommunications Management Network model to examining and standardizing next-generation operation-system frameworks/architectures for business-to-business-to-X (where X denotes any end user) services cooperating with other companies and industries. These activities are being carried out in areas of autonomous networks for automating network operations using artificial-intelligence technology and customer experience management for strengthening customer-oriented operations. The NTT Group is promoting its technical and business requirements to be reflected in the standardization process in the forum, as well as examining the architecture of BSS/OSS for digital transformation using the forum¡Çs documentation.
External Awards/Papers Published in Technical Journals and Conference Proceedings