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October 2011 Vol. 9 No. 10 |
View from the Top
Hiromichi Shinohara, NTT Senior Vice President, Director of Research and Development Planning Department

In the wake of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake of 2011, the importance of the network has been reaffirmed. What, then, does society expect of the NTT Group as a carrier that includes research laboratories? We asked Hiromichi Shinohara, NTT Senior Vice President and Director of the Research and Development Planning Department, to tell us about the stance that researchers should take against the backdrop of a rapidly advancing merger-and-acquisitions business environment extending across national borders.
Front-line Researchers
Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Senior Distinguished Researcher, NTT Basic Research Laboratories

We asked Dr. Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Senior Distinguished Researcher, to tell us about his research on nanomachine technology, which is attracting increasing attention in the world, from how he first conceived of pursuing nanomachines to the current state of his progress. We also asked him how his ten years of research in this field have influenced his outlook as a researcher, how he expresses his individuality as a researcher, and what advice he would give to young researchers.
Feature Articles: Collaborations with Universities Leading to Open Innovation in NTT's R&D
Efforts Toward Organizational University Collaborations

NTT Service Integration Laboratories is striving to create organizational collaborations with universities across a wide range of academic disciplines in order to carry out joint research projects and human resources exchanges more efficiently and effectively. In this article, we introduce the framework for university collaboration and the content of activities. We also introduce specific examples of such collaborations.
Room-temperature Resonant-tunneling-diode Terahertz Oscillator Based on Precisely Controlled Semiconductor Epitaxial Growth Technology

This article presents the recent achievement of fundamental oscillations in resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) above 1 THz at room temperature. One of the key technologies for this achievement is precisely controlled epitaxial growth of ultrathin semiconductor heterostructures. The structural design of oscillators and microfabrication technology are also crucial. To increase the oscillation frequency toward the terahertz range, we devised a novel RTD structure with a graded emitter, which effectively reduces both the operating bias voltage and electron transit time in the collector depletion region. An InP-based InGaAs/AlAs RTD oscillator with a graded emitter and 1.2-nm-thick barriers exhibited fundamental oscillations with frequencies of up to 1.04 THz at room temperature, which is the highest oscillation frequency ever reported in single solid-state electron devices. This project is part of collaborative research and development between NTT and Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Automatic Generation of English Cloze Questions Based on Machine Learning

We are developing a system that automatically generates multiple-choice cloze questions in English, which we call MAGIC. By using machine learning techniques, MAGIC extracts the characteristics of manually generated questions and selects appropriate sentences for questions, determines words to be blanked, and generates multiple choices. This project is part of collaborative research and development between NTT and Nagoya University.
High-presence Audio Live Distribution Trial

This article reports on a trial of live distribution of video featuring high-presence audio over optical networks conducted in September 2010 and presents an evaluation of the results. With the spread of such distribution, demand for high-presence replay is on the rise, and NTT WEST has been involved with Kyushu University in joint research on high-presence video and audio.
CMOS LSI for Brain-machine Interface Used in Bidirectional Communication

We introduce our approach to making an LSI (large-scale integration) chip for a brain-machine interface by integrating neuroscience technology developed in NTT Basic Research Laboratories (NTT BRL) with LSI chip design and simulation techniques of Keio University. This LSI contains everything required for bidirectional communication, which enables the brain-machine interface to communicate with the brain on the molecular level when it is combined with a nano-bio device developed in BRL.
High-quality Software Development Through Collaborations with Major Universities in China

To achieve high-reality visual telecommunications, NTT Cyber Space Laboratories is conducting research to obtain high-fidelity three-dimensional vision information. This article introduces collaborations in this field with several major universities in China and reviews software developed through these collaborations.
Secure Method of Managing Digital Content in Ubiquitous Computing Environment

A research project for building a remote collaboration environment based on technologies for large-scale digital content handling is being undertaken by NTT Network Innovation Laboratories. This article briefly reviews collaborative research with Keio University on secure management of digital content in a ubiquitous computing environment.
Joint Research on Anshin in Internet Usage

NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories is conducting joint research with specialists in socio-psychology at the University of Tokyo and Toyo University to study anshin (安心) in Internet usage. Anshin, which is often translated as peace of mind, security, or reassurance, is a vague concept with a wide range of meaning. Therefore, we decided to focus first not on anshin itself but on fuan (不安), which has roughly the opposite meaning (anxiety) because anxieties are easier to recognize. We constructed a model of the anxiety generation process and conducted two investigations―a home-visit investigation in Tokyo and an international investigation by telephone―and we put out a press release describing proof of an unbridgeable gulf between anshin and safety. In this article, we outline our current studies.
Regular Article
Stripping-free Physical-contact Connector

We introduce a new physical-contact optical connector that uses a stripping-free connection method. The connector's assembly procedure does not require the coated optical fiber to be stripped or cleaved, which facilitates assembly. We designed the connector structure and the shape of the fiber's end to achieve physical-contact connection and developed a method for forming the required fiber endface.
Optical Power Budget Enhancement Technologies for Long-reach GE-PON System

This article describes technologies for enhancing the optical power budget of the Gigabit Ethernet passive optical network (GE-PON) system. The design goal is to significantly extend the fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) service area in a cost-effective manner. Following the development of enhanced optical line terminals in 2009, work to enhance optical network units was completed this year. These technologies enhance the optical power budget of the GE-PON system to 37 dB, which makes this system one of the longest-reach systems in the world. These enhancements enable us to deploy FTTH to rural areas economically.
Global Standardization Activities
Practical Field Information about Telecommunication Technologies
Case Studies of Failures of Business Phones Connected to VoIP Gateway

This article introduces case studies of failures of business phones connected to a VoIP (voice over Internet protocol) gateway developed by NTT EAST. It is the seventh in a bimonthly series on the theme of practical field information about telecommunication technologies. This month's contribution is from the Network Interface Engineering Group, Technical Assistance and Support Center, Maintenance and Service Operations Department, Network Business Headquarters.
External Awards/Papers Published in Technical Journals and Conference Proceedings