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December 2017 Vol. 15 No. 12 |
Feature Articles: Creating Immersive UX Services for Beyond 2020
Creation of Immersive UX Services

Abstract The NTT Group is researching and developing communication technology and media processing technology amid growing expectations for the creation of services that provide users with a highly realistic experience of events such as sports matches and live entertainment shows. We are also working with various corporate partners to conduct feasibility studies and service trials aimed at creating new value. This article describes the direction of our research and development aimed at evolving the key technologies needed to implement immersive user experience (UX) services, and presents an overview of our efforts to create entirely new immersive UX services.
Free-viewpoint Video Synthesis Technology for a New Video Viewing Experience

Abstract There is a growing desire among viewers of sports programs to watch videos of matches with an even higher sense of presence. Free-viewpoint video synthesis has been attracting attention as one scheme for achieving a video viewing experience with an ultrahigh sense of presence. This technology reconstructs the match space targeted for viewing and provides video from the viewpoint of the user”Ēs choosing. This article describes the technologies for free-viewpoint video synthesis developed by the NTT laboratories and introduces application examples.
A 120 fps High Frame Rate Real-time Video Encoder

Abstract This article describes a real-time HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) encoder operating at 120 frames per second (fps) that is designed to achieve higher frame rate video services. The encoder achieves 4K/120 fps video encoding in real time through the synchronized operation of multiple 2K/120 fps encoders working in parallel. This encoder also makes it possible to achieve temporal scalable coding and transmission with upward compatibility for existing 60 fps based systems. This temporal scalability is expected to contribute to rapid expansion of the high frame rate video service field. The proposed encoder systems will also open the door to next-generation high frame rate ultra-high definition television services.
Surround Video Stitching and Synchronous Transmission Technology for Immersive Live Broadcasting of Entire Sports Venues

Abstract NTT Service Evolution Laboratories is promoting the research and development of the live immersive reproduction of entire spaces and environments by simultaneously transmitting video, audio, and related information from a remote location. In this article, we propose a technique to combine multiple 4K video pictures horizontally and vertically in real time to create a panorama video with high resolution and a wide viewing angle (at least 180”ė)”½much higher than the resolution that can be achieved with a single camera. We also introduce technology to synchronously transmit other video and audio data to remote venues with low latency in addition to the stitched video.
Powerful Sound Effects at Audience Seats by Wave Field Synthesis

Abstract Sound spatialization technology has become increasingly common within movie theaters and other venues for creating sound effects coming from all directions. NTT Service Evolution Laboratories has driven research into sound spatialization technology using a linear loudspeaker array to enhance the sense of reality in Kirari!, NTT”Ēs immersive telepresence technology. We have developed a system that enables the creation of sound images in front of loudspeakers that could not be created using conventional surround-sound systems. This article introduces the theory and implementation of wave field synthesis technology using a linear array of speakers for generating sounds that close in on venue seats.
Smooth Motion Parallax Glassless 3D Screen System that Uses Few Projectors

Abstract We propose a glassless 3D (three-dimensional) screen system that enables natural stereoscopic viewing with motion parallax in a wide viewing area. The use of a spatially imaged iris plane screen and linear blending technology makes it possible to use fewer image sources and projectors than existing multi-view projection systems.
Real-time Extraction of Objects with Arbitrary Backgrounds

Abstract With the development of Kirari! immersive telepresence technology, we strive to achieve a high sense of realism, presenting objects that are at a remote location as though they were right before the viewer. One Kirari! function making it possible to achieve this type of expression is arbitrary background real-time object extraction. This involves extracting objects from backgrounds such as a playing field or theater stage without requiring studio equipment such as a green screen. This article gives an overview of this technology and introduces further efforts toward increasing its speed, robustness, and detail.
Real-time Moving Object Detection Technology and Trial of Stone Location Delivery at a Curling Venue

Abstract NTT Service Evolution Laboratories is researching and developing tracking technology combined with video understanding as part of efforts to develop advanced video services. This technology features both high recognition performance and a short processing time and shows promise for application to public event viewings and stadium solutions. This article introduces a trial conducted at the 2017 Sapporo Asian Winter Games in which this technology was applied to deliver stone location information to spectators at a curling venue.
Regular Articles-
Initiatives Concerning Development of Applications Utilizing Blockchains

Abstract The development of services utilizing blockchains is increasing. In this article, we explain issues related to the design of applications using blockchains that require further investigation and use cases that exploit the advantages of blockchains. The use cases focus on the distribution management of management targets, namely, data managed by blockchains. Development of a common-function module for supporting development of applications is also described.
Virtual Machine Management Technology for Operating Packet Switching System in a Virtualization Environment

Abstract NTT Network Service Systems Laboratories is developing infrastructure technology for operating virtualized packet switching system service functions with the aim of realizing a network control infrastructure providing safe and secure services. In this article, we introduce virtual machine management technology for sharing hardware resources in a virtualization environment and onboarding and operating packet switching system service functions in conjunction with OpenStack.
Global Standardization Activities-
Report on ITU-T Study Group 15 Meeting

Abstract ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector) Study Group (SG) 15 was reorganized for the study period from 2017 to 2020. The new structure of SG15, which includes 3 Working Parties (WPs) and 19 Questions, has been approved. WP chairmen, vice-chairmen, and rapporteurs have been appointed. The results of the first SG15 meeting for this study period and the activity plans for the Questions are reported in this article.
Practical Field Information about Telecommunication Technologies-
Case Studies of Problems in Digital Cordless Phones

Abstract This article describes various faults that were occurring with digital cordless phones and the investigations and countermeasures implemented to solve the problems. This is the forty-third article in a series on telecommunication technologies. This contribution is from the EMC Engineering Group, Technical Assistance and Support Center, Maintenance and Service Operations Department, Network Business Headquarters, NTT EAST.
External Awards/Papers Published in Technical Journals and Conference Proceedings