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Front-line Researchers
Shigeto Furukawa, Senior Distinguished Researcher, NTT Communication Science Laboratories

In 2017, The Lancet, a medical journal, reported that hearing loss is a risk factor for dementia; and thus, interest in hearing is increasing worldwide. It is often thought that hearing loss is equated with the inability to hear low-level or high-frequency sounds; however, the root of the problem is not limited to that inability. We asked Shigeto Furukawa, a senior distinguished researcher at NTT Communication Science Laboratories, who researches the auditory mechanism based on biological responses that seem unrelated to hearing (such as the pupil) and analyzes information about how sounds are heard subjectively, about his latest research activities and the role of researchers.
Feature Articles: Security Technologies for Creating New Value
R&D on Security Contributing to Creation of New Value

NTT Secure Platform Laboratories is engaged in research and development of security technologies required for a smart world. In this article, an information sharing platform of secure data utilization required for a smart world is described, and the efforts of NTT Secure Platform Laboratories to support that world are introduced from two aspects: security that protects the smart world and security that creates the smart world.
The Future of Data Distribution and Its Security Technology

With the acceleration of digital transformation, the value of data is ever increasing, while concerns about security risks and privacy are growing stronger. At NTT Secure Platform Laboratories, we intend to address these issues with cryptographic technology and create a world in which data owned by individuals and organizations are provided and used at the minimum level necessary according to the purpose to enable problem solving. In this article, specific initiatives undertaken at NTT laboratories to support secure data distribution in such a world are introduced.
The Forefront of Cyberattack Countermeasures Focusing on Traces of Attacks

Cyberattacks have become more capable of infiltrating corporate networks with malware by skillfully deceiving the target, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to prevent infections before they occur. Regarding web servers that are open to the public, the frequency of attacks increases and alerts occur more frequently as attack techniques become well known. It is thus becoming difficult to determine which attack to respond to. In this article, the forefront of cyberattack countermeasures focusing on traces left by attacks is discussed to address this issue.
Cutting-edge Research on Cryptography Theory in Response to Changes in Computing Environments

Triggered by the case that a government employee successfully forged a bank card in 1982, NTT established the first research group on cryptography around the same time. NTT Secure Platform Laboratories has contributed to building a firm theoretical ground for cryptography while developing cryptographic technologies that can respond to the changes in evolving communication and computing environments. In this article, research activities of NTT Secure Platform Laboratories on cryptography and information security technologies—in preparation for the emergence of rapidly developing quantum computers—are discussed.
Feature Articles: Keynote Speeches/Workshop Lectures at Tsukuba Forum 2019
Working toward Sharing Social Infrastructure

This article introduces initiatives for sharing the social infrastructure within the NTT Group, including concrete measures to resolve societal issues and other initiatives. It was prepared based on a keynote speech given by NTT Senior Executive Vice President Motoyuki Ii at the Tsukuba Forum 2019 held on October 31 and November 1, 2019.
Pioneering a Prosperous Future with Regional Innovations

This article introduces the NTT EAST Group¡Çs latest efforts in agriculture to make Japan more prosperous through the revitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises and primary industries in Japan¡Çs regions. It also introduces the importance of collective impact in creating new value with a variety of stakeholders and a concept for creating an open social platform. This article is an edited version of the keynote speech given by NTT EAST Senior Executive Vice President Naoki Shibutani at Tsukuba Forum 2019, held on October 31 and November 1, 2019.
Technical Trends in Infrastructure Maintenance Management

In the Civil System Project of NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories, we are working to achieve permanent infrastructure by implementing smart operation of facilities. We introduce new maintenance management for conduits, manholes, and tunnels. This article is based on a lecture from a workshop held on November 1 at Tsukuba Forum 2019.
Wireless Systems Technologies for Present and Future Services

The NTT Group provides a wide variety of services to its customers, and wireless technologies have an important role in supporting these services. Various methods of using wireless services are provided according to the characteristics of the frequency bands. This article introduces research and development directions in wireless technologies for supporting wireless services in the very high frequency (VHF), ultra-high frequency (UHF), microwave, and millimeter-wave bands. We also discuss the current state and future expansion of satellite communications and wireless local area networks (LANs).
Regular Articles
Compact Silica-based 16 ¡ß 16 Multicast Switch with Surface Mount Technology for PLCs

We propose an electrical interconnection structure in which electrical connectors are directly soldered on a silica-based planar lightwave circuit using surface mount technology. A compact 16 ¡ß 16 multicast switch (MCS) having five electrical connectors was successfully demonstrated. We reduced the chip size to half that made with conventional wire bonding technology. We obtained satisfactory solder contacts and excellent switching properties. These results indicate that the proposed structure is suitable for large-scale optical switches including MCSs, variable optical attenuators, and dispersion compensators.
Global Standardization Activities
Activities of the APT/TTC Bridging the Standardization Gap Working Group—Holding of Ideathons in Cooperation with Universities in Southeast Asia

The Bridging the Standardization Gap (BSG) Working Group of the Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC) of Japan has been implementing and promoting the spread of information-and-communication-technology-based solutions to address social issues in rural areas of Asian countries with support provided by the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT). It has launched a platform designed to share data obtained at pilot sites in a number of countries, related to several fields including agriculture, fisheries, the environment, medical care, education, and disaster prevention. It held events at which ideas were proposed on how to create new industries through the utilization of data across different industries. This article presents an overview of these events.
Practical Field Information about Telecommunication Technologies
Event Report: Tsukuba Forum 2019

Tsukuba Forum 2019 was held on October 31 and November 1. The theme of the forum was ¡ÈSupporting the present, shaping the new era—World-leading technology for creating services and field frontline technology for transforming operation/maintenance.¡É This article gives a brief overview of the speeches and exhibits presented at the forum.
External Awards/Papers Published in Technical Journals and Conference Proceedings