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Feature Article: NTT R&D Forum Workshop
NTT's Open Innovation in Silicon Valley

Abstract This article introduces the activities of NTT Innovation Institute, Inc. (NTT I3), which recently marked the first anniversary of its establishment in Silicon Valley, California. This article is based on a speech given by Srini Koushik, President and CEO of NTT I3 and Mayan Mathen, SVP and Chief Technology Officer of NTT I3, at NTT Forum on February 13, 2014.
Feature Articles: Video Technology for 4K/8K Services with Ultrahigh Sense of Presence-
Research and Development Policies for Ultra-high-presence Video Technology toward 4K/8K Services

Abstract Efforts toward achieving 4K/8K broadcast services have been ramping up in countries throughout the world, and in Japan, broadcasters, telecommunications carriers, and equipment manufacturers have teamed up to establish the Next Generation Television & Broadcasting Promotion Forum (NexTV-F) to make 4K/8K communications and broadcasting a reality. As a founding company of NexTV-F, NTT is becoming a world pioneer in the development and promotion of 4K/8K services through a variety of research projects and technical developments. This article introduces these technical developments and the ultra-high-presence services targeted by NTT.
HEVC Hardware Encoder Technology

Abstract For 4K and 8K video services that are capable of providing high definition pictures with an abundant sense of presence, the latest H.265/MPEG-H video coding standard, also known as HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding), should allow the encoding of huge quantities of video data to be performed effectively and with high compression efficiency. This article introduces HEVC hardware encoder technology that is capable of encoding 4K video in real time.
World's Highest-performance HEVC Software Coding Engine

Abstract In recent years, worldwide attention has been focused on the distribution of 4K and 8K high-definition video. Video services for mobile terminals have also been expanding rapidly, and higher compressive power in video coding is expected. In response to this situation, the international standard HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding, otherwise known as H.265/MPEG-H) was established in April 2013. We introduce here a software coding engine developed by the NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories that conforms to HEVC and features the world's highest coding performance.
Interactive Distribution Technologies for 4K Live Video

Abstract Video technology is becoming more sophisticated, and the amount of available content is increasing substantially. Accordingly, individual preferences for video content are becoming more diverse. We have perceived a need for a means of personalized viewing that enables viewers to select their preferred subjects and scenes within the content rather than just passively selecting video content created by third parties, as in the conventional style. This article introduces a system that partitions 4K video into tiles, compresses it, and enables only parts selected by the viewer within the video to be distributed live at the desired size and with high quality.
Next-generation Media Transport MMT for 4K/8K Video Transmission

Abstract MPEG Media Transport (MMT) for heterogeneous environments is being developed as part of the ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission) 23008 standard. In this article, we overview the MMT standard and explain in detail the MMT LDGM (low-density generator matrix) FEC (forward error correction) codes proposed by NTT Network Innovation Laboratories. We also explain remote collaboration for content creation as a use case of the MMT standard.
QoE Assessment Methodologies for 4K Video Services

Abstract The technological developments of 4K/8K video enable users to watch video content with high quality and a high sense of presence. To provide attractive 4K video content, it is important to design and manage services based on the viewers' quality of experience (QoE). This article introduces QoE assessment methodologies and standardization activities.
Regular Articles-
Silicon-germanium-silica Monolithic Photonic Integration Platform for Telecommunications Device Applications

Abstract We have developed a silicon (Si)-germanium (Ge)-silica monolithic photonic integration platform for telecommunications applications of highly integrated silicon-based photonic devices. On this platform, high-performance silica-based passive devices and compact, high-speed Si/Ge-based active devices are monolithically integrated. We have used this platform to develop a photonic receiver for wavelength-division multiplexing systems, in which a silica-based 16-channel arrayed waveguide grating wavelength filter and Ge photodiodes are monolithically integrated. This Si-Ge-silica photonic integration platform also enables direct integration of electronic circuits.
Advanced Technologies for Wide-area Ethernet Networks

Abstract This article introduces a partial-bandwidth-guaranteed service system and a service-area expansion system that we have developed in order to improve the performance of wide-area Ethernet networks. The developed systems will enable new added services and provide a scheme for cost-efficient network expansion.
Invisible Watermarks Connecting Video and Information: Mobile Video Watermarking Technology

Abstract Mobile video watermarking technology is a digital watermarking technology that can detect invisible information embedded in external videos with both high speed and accuracy, simply by directing the camera in the mobile device towards the video. In this article, we give an overview of the technology and describe two example use case applications in existing broadcast TV services and a new opportunity using video synchronized augmented reality.
Global Standardization Activities-
NTT Group's Involvement in ITS, and the Direction of Standardization

Abstract In 2013, the ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) World Congress event returned to Japan for the first time in nine years. NTT participated in this event, and we based our exhibit on the key concept that all mobile objects should function as network terminals that are continuously connected to the cloud. This article introduces the contents of NTT's exhibit, discusses the information and communication technology needed to realize our vision of "2020: Life on the Move," and reports on the direction in which the future efforts of the NTT Group should be steered.
New NTT Colleagues
Papers Published in Technical Journals and Conference Proceedings