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Front-line Researchers
Makio Kashino, NTT Fellow, NTT Communication Science Laboratories

Overview Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) and artificial intelligence are transforming all areas of society. Brain science is no exception to this transformation, and rapid progress in this area is being made along with advances in measurement technology and analysis methods. Moreover, the subjects of brain research have spread to real-world problems. We asked NTT Fellow Makio Kashino of NTT Communication Science Laboratories what the objective is of the research termed ˇČICT ˇß brain scienceˇÉ and how it will change our lives.
Feature Articles: Network Technology for Digital Society of the Futureˇ˝Toward Advanced, Smart, and Environmentally Friendly Operations
Technology for Smart Coordination of ICT/Network Resources and Services

Abstract In the near future, things and applications will be connected across companies and industries to help people enjoy new innovative services. This article introduces technology for coordinating ICT (information and communication technology)/network resources and services to help us prepare things and applications only as needed.
Failure Point Estimation Using Rule-based Learning

Abstract NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories aims to achieve smart and advanced network operations supporting the digital transformation of the NTT Group. This article introduces a means of failure point estimation using rule-based learning that immediately presents potential failure points at the time of a failure. This estimation technique is based on technology for autonomously deriving cause-and-effect relationships (rules) between failure points and alarms.
Deep Learning Based Anomaly Detection Technology for ICT Servicesˇ˝DeAnoS: Deep Anomaly Surveillance

Abstract In this article, we outline a deep learning based anomaly detection technology called Deep Anomaly Surveillance (DeAnoS). The NTT laboratories have been developing this technology with the aim of enabling proactive maintenance operations for ICT (information and communication technology) services. The present situation regarding verification of DeAnoS at NTT Group companies is also explained.
Automatic Generation of Recovery-command Sequences

Abstract We describe technology for automatically generating recovery-command sequences, which is intended to support quick recovery actions by system operators and to achieve automatic recovery from ICT (information and communication technology)-system failures.
Failure Localization in Optical Transmission Networks

Abstract The core network is the backbone of societyˇÇs telecommunications infrastructure, and it therefore requires rapid failure localization in order to handle diverse types of failures. This article introduces a failure localization method being studied by NTT Network Service Systems Laboratories in collaboration with an NTT Group company.
Business Navigation Technology

Abstract With the aim of achieving advanced and smart network operations supporting the digital transformation of the NTT Group, researchers at NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories are researching and developing business navigation technology to make business tasks more efficient. This article introduces two key results of this effort: annotation technology supporting human decision-making when performing business tasks and user interface augmentation technology for automating and simplifying operations by adding graphical user interface elements with diverse functions on the operation screen.
Toward the Realization of Eco-friendly Telecom Centers

Abstract The NTT Group is working to protect the global environment in line with the NTT Group Environmental Statement and its Eco Strategy 2030. Various initiatives toward global environmental protection in telecom centers are included in the strategy. This article introduces two such initiativesˇ˝under-floor wiring technology that improves the energy efficiency of telecom centers by optimizing the cooling method, and noise suppression technology that reduces maintenance personnel operations by improving work efficiency.
Global Standardization Activities-
Technical Trends in ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1

Abstract The International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Joint Technical Committee (JTC) 1 is an organization established by the ISO and IEC that is responsible for international standardization in the field of information technology. This article introduces the emerging technologies being addressed by the Advisory Group, which were identified in resolutions from two recent ISO/IEC JTC 1 Plenaries.
Short Reports
External Awards/Papers Published in Technical Journals and Conference Proceedings