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Feature Articles: NTT Group Activities in the Transportation Field-
NTT Group Activities in Transportation ӧ ICT

Abstract The NTT Group is promoting collaboration with partners in fields where information and communication technology will be further exploited. The Feature Articles in this issue introduce our collaborations with members of the transportation industry and the technologies being applied in these collaborations.
Joint Experiment on Enhancement of Information Universal Design at Airports

Abstract It is necessary to further improve barrier-free mobility and accessibility to information at international airports, which serve as gateways for visitors from abroad. Of course, airports also provide opportunities to publicize Japan”Ēs cutting-edge technologies to the world. This article introduces a joint experiment conducted at Haneda Airport by NTT and Tokyo International Air Terminal Corporation with a view to enhancing information universal design in air terminals.
Seamless Indoor/Outdoor Navigation Feasibility Test near Tokyo Station”½Part of the High-Accuracy Positioning Society Project Sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

Abstract Outdoor positioning accuracy will improve when full-fledged operation of the quasi-zenith satellite system starts in 2018. This, together with advances in indoor positioning technology, is expected to usher in a high-accuracy positioning society, in which high-accuracy location information can be used seamlessly both indoors and outdoors. This article introduces the Seamless Indoor/Outdoor Navigation Feasibility Test near Tokyo Station, conducted as part of the High-Accuracy Positioning Society Project sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
NTT DATA and NTT GEOSPACE were selected to participate in the Realization of a High-Accuracy Positioning Society study, an initiative adopted by the National Land Information Division of the Ministry. This article reports on the activities of these two companies in the feasibility test.
Development of Map Platform Technology to Innovate Seamless Navigation

Abstract The introduction of four quasi-zenith satellites (in 2018) and advances in indoor positioning technology are expected to usher in a high-accuracy positioning society by 2020. Under such a high-accuracy positioning environment, in order to provide services that take advantage of the environment, we need to build a spatial information infrastructure, which includes maps. This article introduces our efforts to innovate map platform technology, which serves as the basis for developing various services in a high-accuracy positioning society, and the technical verification of seamless navigation, a new service that utilizes the map platform.
Technology for Social Development of Accessibility Maps

Abstract At NTT Service Evolution Laboratories, we are developing technology for creating information needed to support the mobility of elderly persons and the disabled. It consists of a crowd sensing function, which determines road gradients using a smartphone equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) and an accelerometer, and technology for collecting information needed to support pedestrian mobility, which assists surveyors with no specialized knowledge. The objective is to achieve the capability to both collect and update information at low cost.
Development of a Mobile Personal Agent that Expands Human Potential

Abstract NTT is developing a personal agent that understands us, interacts with us, and supports us in growing by being with us in the real world. This article focuses on personal mobility as one application area for this agent. The prototype mobile personal agent provides interactive training on how to operate a personal mobility vehicle for first-time drivers of such vehicles, prompting them to discover what operations are required and enabling them to improve their operating skills.
Agile Development of JR East App Designed to Enhance Customer Service Quality

Abstract East Japan Railway Company (JR East) is a leader in the country”Ēs railway industry and provides passenger railway services in the Kanto, Koshinetsu, and Tohoku regions. It is also engaged in a wide variety of related business activities. In March 2014, as part of the initiative to utilize information and communication technology included in its New Management Vision formulated in 2012, JR East released JR East App, its official smartphone application. This article gives an overview of that application and describes the agile development adopted by NTT Software in creating it.
Regular Articles-
Pitarie: Picture Book Search with Interdisciplinary Approach

Abstract NTT Communication Science Laboratories has developed a search system called Pitarie that can find just the right picture book to match a child”Ēs interests and developmental stage. Pitarie has been
developed with an interdisciplinary approach; we incorporate knowledge of developmental psychology as well as the latest advances in the research fields of similarity search and natural language processing. The unique functions of Pitarie realized by the fusion of human science and information science are presented here along with the elemental technologies.
Move&Flick: Text Input Application for Visually Impaired People”½From Research and Development to Distribution of the Application

Abstract Move&Flick is a new text input application on smartphones developed by NTT DOCOMO. The application is designed for visually impaired people and has been available on Apple”Ēs App Store since August 2015. NTT Service Evolution Laboratories researched and developed the algorithms to recognize finger motions that are used to operate the application, as well as the application”Ēs basic design, together with NTT CLARUTY, some of whose employees are visually impaired. NTT DOCOMO developed the application based on Apple”Ēs App Store Review Guidelines and has been working with NTT CLARUTY to support visually impaired users so that they benefit sufficiently from the application. This article introduces the process from research and development to the distribution of the application on Apple”Ēs App Store.
Global Standardization Activities-
G.fast Ultrafast Access Technology Standardization in ITU-T

Abstract The International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) Study Group 15 (SG15) is the largest Study Group in ITU-T and has been working on the standardization of various issues in transport networks and telecommunication infrastructures, which cover transport technologies in home networks, access networks, packet transport networks, and optical transport networks as well as optical fiber cables. This article explains the latest metallic access technology called G.fast, one of the newest and most active technologies being examined for standardization in SG15. G.fast technology is classified as DSL (digital subscriber line) technology, with which an ultrafast transmission rate of 1 Gbit/s would be available for various services in access networks over metallic cables.
Global Activities of NTT Group-
NTT Communications Corp.”½Acquisition of Virtela and Provision of Arcstar Global Network Services

Abstract In May 2014, the Network Services Division of NTT Communications and Virtela Technology Services Incorporated jointly became the first provider to announce the global deployment of NFV (network functions virtualization)-enabled cloud-based network services. This article highlights how the new technology can address enterprise pain points and how it has benefited NTT Communication”Ēs customers since the launch.
Practical Field Information about Telecommunication Technologies-
Improvements in Cable Surge Protectors

Abstract Serious damage in telecommunication facilities can occur due to lightning surges. Cable surge protectors are effective in reducing the damage to telecommunication facilities caused by penetration of lightning surges to metallic cables. This article introduces the improvements that have been made to new cable surge protectors developed by NTT EAST. This is the thirty-fifth article in a series on telecommunication technologies. This month”Ēs contribution is from the EMC Engineering Group, Technical Assistance and Support Center, Maintenance and Service Operations Department, Network Business Headquarters, NTT EAST.
External Awards/Papers Published in Technical Journals and Conference Proceedings